Do anybody knows something about the content of new large boxes scheduled for release on November, 28th?
(Updated below, 21-10-09)I've seen only this info:
EMPIRE BRIGADEReleased 28-November 2009, 84 Fig Box, Retail price £100.00
ORC & GOBLIN BRIGADE Released 28-November 2009, 109 Fig Box, 100.00
UPDATE: A photo appeared with three of these things:
ORK MEGAFORCE Released 28-November 2009, 55 Fig Box, £100.00
40x Boyz, 5x Loota/Burna, 9x Warbikes and Truck.
SPACE MARINE MEGAFORCE Released 28-November 2009, 33 Fig Box, £100.00
20x Tactical Marines, 5x Assault Marines, 5x regular Scouts, Dread, Rhino and Predator.
Additionally, expected Dark Angels bastion will be released:
FORTRESS OF REDEMPTION Released 28-November 2009, 1 Fig Box, £60.00
I'm not sure about the last two things, but most probably they will just return to independent distributors stock without changes in their content:
IMPERIAL SECTOR Released 28-November 2009, 1 Fig Box, £50.00
IMPERIAL STRONGPOINT Released 28-November 2009, 1 Fig Box, £55.00